Sunday, January 25, 2009

Old School Scrapping: How Not To Scrapbook

After getting my gorgeous craft organizers for Christmas I decided it was time to clean out my craft room and get really organized. In the process I ran across a lot of fun stuff I had completely forgotten about, one of which was my very first scrapbook. I didn't know I was scrapping at the time, not really. I had never heard of scrapbooking before, and certainly hadn't experience the crazed, mega addictive, craft-art-movement-obsession that I know it to be now!

I remember discovering this little gem at a junk store and being a little disappointed it wasn't still filled with old photos. I soon filled it with my own junk. Thankfully I have perfected my technique a bit more, both aesthetically and structurally. I used the worst of all glues on this bad boy, rubber cement! There is no good use for rubber cement, other than maybe asphyxiation. It's messy, it stinks, it yellows while you watch it, it super holds when you don't want it to while other things peel apart at a glance. I can't believe my art profs would advocate its use! Anywho, some of the innards:

The left side of this spread features a lovely picture of me and my bestest friend Billie in our crazy hats playing mini-golf the summer after graduating high school, a picture of me in the lower right sporting my beloved purple hair, some bingo chips and what I believe is a note where I've written "I love so and so" repeatedly as a way to practice my handwriting (one of my favorite past times!). On the right are all things freshman move-in day. A pic of my college dorm, name tag and of course a Razorback or two.

Good stuff! I had many a lovely, and not so lovely, reminder of my days of yore while digging through all my memorabilia! I found some other good stuff that would make my aforementioned friend fall out of her seat with laughter, that might have to make an appearance at a later date. Until next time you can remember these wise words from the margarita swilling crooner Jimmy Buffet, "If we couldn't laugh, we would all go insane."


Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Sunny,
I am checking in to say hello to Mr Cash. I am also reading your update now!

Melissa and Emmitt said...

hi sunny!
what a fun post!

Beth said...

Oh that sounds too funny! I used to practice my handwriting alot too! Even in my old college notes!
We used the rubber cement in college too! Ugh!
I need to do the same, go through old supplies and old books. Thats what they are for, right? Memories!

Vinyl Rocks My World said...

I love this! :O) I love finding old things that bring back such good memories.

Billie said...

I could use a good laugh that causes me to fall out of my seat...bring out anything and everything! :)