Thursday, August 20, 2009

Blogging Fool: I Have A Second Blog!

So I've decided to try and go all business legit and separate my blogs into two, this blog will turn into all crafting/scrapping/business all the time and my new one is all about the mundane details of my life. If mundane is your thing be sure to follow me over at Notes From My Fridge on blogspot (click here) to read all about my mamma moments, my gorgeous babies, my super hero husband, Mr. Cash Pugface and all of the other craziness that makes up my life. And no, this is not chronicles of dieting as my husband inquired when I told him the name of my new blog, hmmm didn't earn him brownie points! I named it that after the thought that the fridge is where you post all your kids achievements, artwork, and every silly little thing you want to show off to anyone who steps foot in your house. Yep, covering my fridge with crap: another one of those pre-kid things I said I'd never do. Head on over, I hope to be posting later today about a big milestone, Mr. Golden Curls had his very first ever day of school yesterday! P.S. I'm really happy about the way the banner turned out for my new blog, yea me! *off to work on being humble*

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