Sunday, May 17, 2009

Weekend Feature: Gilt Goods Handmade Paper And Embellishments

In my recent handmade supplies hunt it never even occurred to me that I might be able to find, not only handmade supplies like buttons, brads and tags for scrapbooking, but the actual paper itself until I ran across this fantastic shop, Gilt Goods! I know, I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm a little slow. Don't get me wrong, I knew I could buy handmade paper, you know that stuff that's beat to a pulp then reformed into paper, but it never crossed my mind that I could get adorable, unique, printed pattern paper. Can you tell I'm drooling a bit?! That's because all of these lovelies started out as original drawings, something you won't find at your local scrapbook shop. Gilt Goods has paper and embellishments as well as digital designs and other fun surprises. So what's stopping you? Get to shopping handmade supplies!

Go visit Gilt Goods here or click any image to be taken to it's listing, where you can make it yours. Be sure to read the interview below!

OPHELIA Russian Ballerina Paper Doll by Gilt Goods

All photos used with the permission of Gilt Goods

Interview with Gilt Goods

What do you do for a living in the daytime?

I work part-time as a graphic artist for our local non-profit arts agency, which I love, and also do free-lance work on the side. When I'm not at work, I am with my 5 year old son (and recent preschool graduate thank you very much!).

Tell us a little about your etsy self

My etsy self is still trying to figure out what in the world to sell on etsy! I really love the venue, but I haven't found my niche yet. I sell all kinds of things at several stores, but these things don't do as well on-line. Because I LOVE to design papers, and have had good response in "real life" to them, I'm excited to see how these items will do on etsy.

Tell us a little about your non-etsy self

My non- etsy self is married to a super guy (our 15th year!) and we have one kid, who is just the greatest. I have a degree in art history (minored in painting) earned about a million years ago. I love designing so much that after spending all day on the computer at work, I come home and spend the few "free" hours of the evening Photoshopping on my laptop in bed. I mostly work on a 5 year old iBook G4, who is really a member of the family. When I actually get off the computer, I make jewelry, read everything in sight, bake biscuits, and take family trips in the camper van.

What do you make and why did you start making it?

I make decorated papers for crafters, artisans, scrapbookers, bookmakers, anyone who is looking for papers you can't find anywhere else. I make notebooks and other paper goods, but it was frustrating to see the very same pattern I was using show up in 6 other shops. I wanted exclusivity! So I started printing out my own designs, and people were more interested in the paper than the product! I have just started to offer digital download papers. I love to draw and design even more than I love crafting (although I do that too), it's just so satisfying to take my illustrations and create something beautiful and functional.

What inspires you?

I draw inspiration from everything around me! Sometimes it's a book about the middle ages and miniatures, sometimes it's a fabulous vintage kimono fabric scrap, or the color of the moss that grows on our pine trees, or my kid's cute robot drawings. I would say a common thread running throughout everything I do is an appreciation for our natural world and the beauty of the everyday experience.

What advice do you have for people trying to sell their crafts?

Make sure you really love doing what you're doing. I've had people want to make a wholesale order of those adjustable rings with the glass marble thingies over my paper designs (I did have a sample of one, and it was on my line-sheet...) and I just didn't want EVER to make another ring! I HATE making those things! So. Make what you love. And the other thing I think is really important is to have your own voice, your own point of view. After all, anyone can glue a glass and paper magnet together, what makes YOURS special?

Thank you to Sunny for this feature!

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